28 April 2009
have been 2 days....
suffered 2 days....
when it will stop???
Lord please heal me....
tomorrow is my 1st paper test!!
hope everything will be fine...
No more Diarrhea please
26 April 2009
be fruitful
that what in my mind now...
nothing inside....
scared...whether what i study will just gone??
haiz...anyway...just leave everything to Him!!
He will decided all that!!!
this morning sermon help me lot
Thank GOd for Your wonderful words spoke to me!
John 15:1-8
= born to be fruitful =
The fruits :
- obedience
- evangelism
- discipleship
- fruit of the spirit
# by the words of God build our foundation of Faith#
remain in Him and He will be with you...
is time to Surrender everything to Him...
even is difficulty but i believe is a test
believe everything will be fine
this morning had a great realize worship to Lord
sang out loud to Him
God please Touch on my heart
and i know there is none like You...
examination fever right now
even is Hard...stress...lonely...scarcely..
but i know You are here for me...
to all friends
even this is the difficulty on your exam preparation
but may God be with you all...
all best in Final...
encourage you still continue to relay on Him
18 April 2009
study week start!!!!
finally end up this semester all classes!!!
damn...but the final is coming very soon...
after one week....
man...i really can't imagine what will happen...
maybe just blank...maybe just like a expert...
maybe....lot of infinity Maybe happen!!!
i believe by God grace....i can do it!!!
15 more min gonna leave this town...kampar....
going back home in seremban...
hehe...can meet my mummy and daddy!!1
yeah!!!super excited!!!
hope within the 3 days i can study la....
hehe...em...after 2 hours will meet up my sister!!!
hope she can treat me something nice to eat!!!
haha...i believe my sister will....
haha cause she love me mah...
and i was her only sister what...
while i was taping this post..
my body was shaking...
know why????
cause my body cell is HAPPY....
there is HAPPY....
but also nervous....
hope i can remember what had i read!!!
start from tomorrow!!!
Yet....i haven study anything yet ....
i must start!!!!
Thanks to my dear dear- 5+2...
caring about me so much on my accounting!!!
well...ye...honor to tell i really don't like this subject!!!
but i will try ya dear
16 April 2009
happiness coming back (ksee hapi b'day)
all meeting had OVER!!!
end up last night...
i think i really can pay 100% attention on my studies
yeah!!!happiness coming back...
but on the same time....strenuousness coming by too..
haiz...anyway..i believe by God grace i can...
well.....God bless my coming exam...oh....
pray ...pray pray pray....nervous....
one thing...last night meeting pretty good...
time management improve...
hope we can have even better management...
is my housemate=K See birthday!!!
haha...our Miss Roti birthday!!!
and ....wanna wish u all best best in life...
and then we celebrate her birthday...
you can see how happy she is...
then this girl getting so excited with this black tee...
hehe is our Danny special Design...
limited addition...hoho...
only few peoples got this tee...
em...don't smoke by your ear???
em...hard to understand...need to ask Danny!!
want to Thanks to my dear dear ---Liz...
Thanks for your encouragement...
really touched by your words...
and the teaching and remainder..
also....the song tube really help me a lot...
rebuild again my soul...
Thanks Liz...
yes...and i will always remember
Yesus adalah sahabatku
and Yesus sentiasa di sisiku!!
15 April 2009
Black weather ??am i??
er...every time will give advice to others
be patience ....calm down...bla bla bla....
but end up...myself...BURN UP!!!don't even know how to control...
really Suck!!! really can't imagine i will shout!!
er...sound like ROAR...haha...lioness....swt!!
i think i really scared some of them!!
em....well...just felt sorry...
but i always remember one thing...
God look after what we had do...
even people not appreciate
but when the time come...i am the one to face God
and i am the one who need to tell God what had i do
is not easy to control own emotion when the bad feeling comes out
i HATE peoples who knows how to talk talk talk....
but end up ...no action...
orally sound super nice...can encourage others
but finally just end up complaining...here ...there...
had faced lot today...HATE this type of feeling...
hello Mr.emotional please just go away...
some just RAN away...
some just be GOOD....no comments ...no work!!!
some just like to use WORDS....bla bla bla...
i have no ideas?? ...end up NOTHING!!!
judgment??NO!!!...cause only God can judge us...
ooo...shit!!!!that is what i felt right now!!!
cause stomachache now...i think food poisoning??
tonight TOO NERVOUS....100% KAM CHEONG!!!
ran here and there...that what i remember!!
i can't imagine...
if i didn't do anything...what will happen??
i really don't know ....and i don't want to know too!!!!
cause the result will be very bad!!!
em....felt better after bla out everything....
but stomach still Pain!!!!
but one thing important....
GOD please always remain me to love others
even i get angry with them...
even they don't like me...i know!!!
Lord...without You...i can't do anything...
and thanks to friends that support and understand me..are around!!
i love you all...
Take good care!!!
been long....
worried about my FINAL....
had been busy too much....
3 weeks continuously...
but by God grace and mercy
i believe i can do well....
to prove that God is good...
Lord...i need Your love fall upon me!!
thing i want to shout out LOUD!!!!!!
don't complain but do....
don't just know how to look at others mistake... but look my own
don't just know how to advice other ....but do nothing!!
don't ever hurt other then say sorry...it no use!!!
don't just be good with everyone but not dare to take charge!
don't ever think ourselves is the best...then blaming others
want to complain just come to me...
don't ever speak underground
11 April 2009
GOod friday night
Good Friday night service
Is my first time stayed in Kampar for this meaningful day
Having sacrifice dinner in church before the Good Friday night service started
Have a great fellowship together with each other while having our dinner
Meet up lot of old friends that this whole semester didn’t see them…
Ha…finally meet them all up on Good Friday!!
Thanks God for everything…really touched again by the bible verses on the book of JOHN
The whole service on that night just remained me a lot of thing…
Loves from Jesus…sacrifice of Christ!! the pained and the harness
cried for very long...i don't know how and when my tear started to drop
when we watching the scene that Jesus crucified for us....
peoples of sins......
but it really a great realize that night...
just poured out the burden through my tear...
em...after that...i have a quiet time with God...
spend time with Him...
then end up to remembrance His death
10 April 2009
Jesus Thank YOu
Thanks for the sacrifice
Thanks for loving us so deeply
Jesus Thanks for Your blood
wash our sin away...
Lord...Your dead had renew us again
God today You remained us again Your purpose
Lord Thanks for everything...
can't do anything ....
but just want to tell You Lord...
i love You...
Thanks .......
08 April 2009
kampar Utar CF intro
Thanks God for His wonderful plan
enjoyed lot with His arrangement
feel like i was in the sky
and fly up to God!!

Welcome to kampar Utar Christian Fellowship
hope when you read
you will feel the warm and energetic from us
Join us when you are in kampar Utar
Join us as we..
because we are all body of Christ!!
shine for HIM in Utar
Thanks Jen sen ...poster designed by him...

previously intro to you all about our CF 1st tee...
and here is our FINAL design
hope you guys will like it!!
we will made in two color
black and white..
you can start ordering now...
the price will let you all know soon!!
buy one to represent you are Christian in Utar!!
encourage your friends to buy too..

and below is our CF new vision and theme on coming semester
guys...remember one thing...
bring the great message generation to generation
that's why WE all in Utar should be a good model
to our junior...
Passion in us...
energetic to serve GOd...
tell you one important thing..
serve God you will earn a lot...
cause God will bless you even more..

and again...
intro to you all
our Kampar UTAR CF new committees faces...
the post handle by who...
have a look
and remember US!!!
as need any help just contact us...

do check on with us everything about CF
is our pleasure to help you
in Christ we are brother and sister
and below is our nice nice pictures...
haha..share with you guys...
prayer time when the new committees had voted out..
we all WELCOME you to our new family...
please via our website today:
p/s: thanks to my dear dear=kah yee...
help me up a lot with edited my pics above!
love u so much!!!
04 April 2009
CF t-shirt design

designing our CF t-shirt...
em....anyone of you had any new idea about that?
ha...or any new image for that?
well....hope it can be done asap...
so that we will have our own t-shirt!!!
left your comment
how you think about this t-shirt
02 April 2009
New bond in CF 09'
Well…had been faced up a lot before these…
By God grace…I had walk until today…ha!!i still alive as well…
Em…sounds bad huh…anyway…just want to share my thanksgiving…
Many things happen…for sure there is a reason…
And today God remained me again…
Words…how should we talk…
Is it the words that we speak…talk…share that can benefit others..
And I really learn the power of words…a simple word can really kill up a relationship…
That’s why…o pray to God….I can be a good leader that knows how to handle communication problem within each other’s…anyway…I believe in God…
And another important…spiritual growing..haha…is the most important things that I need to do..
Need to grow in own spiritual life…so that can hold up peoples around me!!
Em…well..Let’s come back to the sharing today….
finally we all enter week 12 on this semester…it shown that final exam is on mid too…
Em…by God’s wills…the new CF committees members had been chosen…
1/4 a special day…well… and is our CF AGM too…ha!!
jensen,chang en,kyle and nesh...
and FES worker=Ee Ling pray for the new committees
committees in the circle ...
be serving God honor heart...
use Us Lord...
together we will be the best...
be the Light and the Salt ...
be UNITED!!!!
Thanks boon wee and michelle...
both them having another new ministry to serve
May God bless them...
and here's the brand new committees....
is our main purpose together>>>
Thanks MrK for the supper....
God bless you MrK...
having great time with old and new committees...
new committees 1st meeting...
explaining...the CG in our CF....ha...
Eric...nice pic huh...
here is JEN SEN...
last year CF camp famous actor on talent night...
our CF 100% attendance m'ber....
super active young boy...making lot of noise....
good leader in future....
what else?....my co-leader...
ha...Bass player...
music fans...like music ...active...
creative mind...funny face!!!cute....
and....finally ....
our chairman is Eric
and me>>>??Vice chairman....
haha...i always mention like this way....
voice chairman!!!ha!!
cause i'm the one always making noise...
the Lioness....
haha...at last we having a long long planning...
hope that every1 can really done up well on each of position...
God bless all of us!!!