and also the nice environment around me!!!
so that's why i decided to brought along my camera...
capture all the nice view in kampar.....
get ready >>>>>>and GOOOOOO
hooh!!! this pictures i took around 6+am....
now can's shirley life was in a new place...
so friends....i'm fine here...all my dearest sisters...i'm good!!don't worried anymore....
nice angle....i like this picture....look silent!!!hehe!!!
em...suddenly felt that ....i'm going to be professional too...
the 1st window you saw from the picture(left)!!!!is my room....
everytime...chit chating with the friends in front of my room...
we always talk....hehe!!!cool right???that's the life here...
a lot of bytes.....and it was the 1st transport to us!!!
we used it to school....shops...dinner...lunch////
and to see our friends around....
relaxing too.....cycle around at night!!!
you can come and visit me!!!!welcome.....
crazy..until...>>>hehe!!!but nice also right?!!
the place i stayed....
i took row of my house!!!!
the whole view of Danish houses....
everyone still sleeping...see...i'm so rajin!!!woke up to capture pictures
this's the place i go for jogging too...nice view right??
haha!!!jog here...except healthy....but also...rebuild again my trust in GOd!!!
i'll have extra time to be close to God!!!
talk to GOd!!!share with Him my problems....and enjoyed the nice environment He created!!
so nice....
stay here??!!!wow...enjoyed!!!no more stress...
you'll everyday enjoy the fresh air provided by God!!!nice view!!!
improve and care too....
become more patience....
Flamingo around the lake too...
will capture the flamingo soon to you all!!!
how do you feel???
so peace>>>>>
just right on the angle!!!
nice capture>>>>yeah!!!
i saw her when 1st time i jog here....
and even today i capture picture!!!
she's here too....see how strong she is....
even she sick...but she still stand up and walk!!!!
7+am...see so early they are...
this picture when i capture...
the auntie really got a fish o!!!
as you can see from the picture....many peoples there to jog!!!
even it live near the lake!!!
but ....see!!!!it's still can't stay again!!!!
just like me!!!i wanna to fight to good...future...
Lord!!!just a pray from me!!!lead me the correct way!!!bless me!!!
with faith ....i continue my life here....
with strange!!!i want to glory His name!!!
with the care from you....i can bless the peoples around me!!!
dear dear shirley,
nice photos, nice place wo....
from ur side of view, everythg seems so peace n calm there...
glad to know u r fine there, u can adapt d life there...
miss u a lot here...
wanna thanks, for ur hugs, for ur prayer, for ur phone, for ur love n understanding....
wat u said has touched my heart until my tears come out, haha... thgs tat cannot be expressed... sadness tat cannot be understand... i know God is here by my side, but dun know wat is He wanting me to learn...
thx sis, for always b my angel... so appreciate tat...thank God for u!
love ya sis...
will come again with joyful heart!
...hah???everyday go 2 jogging??dun tipu org lah~wakakakakkaaakakk~
~nice to have u here,at kampar...i think is God plans.....
~so,try to enjoy kampar's life...i know is hard 4 u to get use the environments...but,i think somedays,u will be crazy at here...(i think....)
my dear dear LIz... tear droped down again!!touched by ur words...ur sadness that hide inner in u!!yup do rmb..smtime we really can't understood wif wt God always done in our life!!but..pls wait!!cz later on..u will realise..the wonderful rainbow color joyful will appear in ur future...u'll feel GOd are guiding u..serving u...n holding u in HIs arm!!u need e rest in Him!! time 4 u 2 b more closer to Him the bible :{ (Hebrews 10:35)therefore do not cast away your confidence which has great reward!!} be faith u my dear sis...sometime...this challenge!!is a big lesson to make u grow up more n more faith in Him@@!!God will lead u my dear...god loce u n is with u!!!everthing will b alright!!cause Jesus is with u n me!!gambateh!!u will knw soon wt God wan u 2 learn....jst enjoy e process nw!!!
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