actually rushing for my assignment now...
haiz...however accidently published all e pics...
anyway...share a bit here...
e pics below....
Location : si chuan and monica house
time : 4-8pm
peoples included all e kampar CF commitees...
haha...i'm the Cj7 in e group...
the purpose is to celebrate MOnica b'day...
ha..as u guys check out monica blog...
gt scolded by her...cz i'm e one....
who ask her go into the room...while the rest preparing e cake..
swt!!!kena marah!!!hoho...
anyway frm e below pics...u will understand wt's going on...
i wanna chao now!!! later still have class...
will edit again tonight!!!
i'm back>>>>>
let tell the story from the pics....
actually decide to help up to cook ...
finally failed!!!cause they all not allowed me to do so....
sad....they don't trust me!!!! swt!!!
anyway...watched funny movie in si chuan room...
very nice...and seem si chuan had learn a lot in his course..
haha!!!he just tought me a lot when i watched the clip!!!
he's a good speaker huh!!!haha!!!future lecturer....wow!!!
she's the CF consultant.....
she's the one who cook after that...
and here's the results...
the CF commitees....so...i'm the one...ask monica to room...
why???!!!to celebrate her birthday....a surprise to her....
and here's the cake...look nice huh!!!is a ice-cream cake!!!coco!!!
yeye...wow...see how enjoy is the pastor...
with the drumstick with him!!!haha!!!
while pastor is here....everyone...pay attention on him...
see the guy who standding..."MR.danger"--wei xian..
he look very enjoyed with the topic talked by pastor...
haha!!!great moments over.....and Vin took e picS!!!
however...is a great time to join them...
even i don't know them!!!!
but...is nice...to see they have a great relationship!!!
gambateh!!!mandarin CF...
continue to grow in this fellowhsip....to bless...
to lead the m'bers around in Kampar...
GBU all!!!gambateh!!!
haha!!nice view huh!!!ye...
.this feel days....rainnig seasons.....
everyday rain!!!but...i like it!!!!
is a great temperature for me!!!
Thanks GOd!!!
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