get ready up!!!!
yeah...ready to go church!!!
haha!!!my roomate still sleeping....
haha!!!my roomate still sleeping....
when i took this picture!!!!haha!!!
chili girl that like to take picture!!!
i'm look nice huh!!!haha!!!
i think so too!!!!
early morning!!BB and GB m'bers had gather outside the hall!!
they all concentrate on practice!!!
we ...???watched from far!!!haha!!!
miss the time when i was the same age like them!!!
miss the time when i was the same age like them!!!
haha!!hope i can go back too!!!!
miss the scondary life!!!!
no worried!!!no burden!!!!
but happy!!!and playful attitude everytime!!
haha!!!arrange all e bullentins into the books!!!
wow...see how serious am i!!!
haha!!!look professional huh!!!??
anyway...have a great serve over!!!
is a nice experience....
gather in the church hall!!!
crazy with the camera!!!
this is only one out of 5!!!
but they all ....
really great friends i met here!!!
church cross....finally in pink
cross with changing colors..
taking pic with xiao ping!!!
my dear dear friend....
a poor girl!!!that lost 2 persons in the same time!!!
her best friend and her sister...
that both them leave her in kampar...
but xiao ping....
nevermind!!!you still have me here!!!
chili girl and hui lin!!!!
nice guy!!!!
kevin + xiao ping...haha!! don't kill me!!!hoho!!!
when someone sign his signature~~~~
sometime should have some nice action !!!
cheer up the day
free time???take picture la!!!
forgot her name///
many peoples came that day!!!
nice mango cake!!!
with the bithday boy--Kelvin
haha!!!everyone busy with the cake...
like Andrew sang!!!
and his father!!!
wonderful soundS!!
celebrate kelvin birthday,..
in sui yen house...
weird action la kelvin!!!
haiz....okok la!!!is your birthday!!!
u'r DAI LOU la!!!
haha!!!what he make neh???
ooo...girl frienD??
haha!!i know that!!!
some many presents de??
anyway...hope you will like it!!!
she like going to vomit!!!
super fulled!!!
ate a lot in the consecration service lunch!!!
same as me too....
haha!!!the cake still there....
end up my saturday with joy!!!
super nice day!!!
night!!!settle my dinner with
super nice day!!!
night!!!settle my dinner with
curry chickens!!!yeah!!!
got it from the service!!!!
got it from the service!!!!
haah!!!cause leave out a lot of food!!!
thanks God!!!
we...can got some back home!!!
a nice saturday >>>on 19/7
1 comment:
ur church looked so nice o...
good to c u getting close thr...
although may face a lot of challenge along d way, but tat's d God's plan to let u grow stronger! as u said there is a nid for d young to know God more, jz try ur best n leave d rest into God's hand... it is God tat make thgs happen, nt us...only He has d power! our prayer will b ur support.. so jz go ahead to glorify Him in His way...
love u lots, dear
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