been long ...
don't know
it's happen... heart feel NOTHING??Mad??
well...really can't read the words in my heart...
whether it's too much of language in it?
or there too much of things inside?or?? will feel this bad feeling..
don't know what i direction sudden..
even i know my way leading my God...
but there's a very weird feeling today...
is it too much of things to consider?
family,studies,CG,CF,friends,final exam??
the most flowing up problem i guess...??
yesterday received lots of email...
after reading all these message...stuck!!
em...sometime i was just thinking...
what is the purpose a christian in society?school?church? every of the christian know about the main?
i am not very sure...maybe sometime i wasn't a good leader...
i mess up??or what??well...the proper way to lead!
really hope there will have someone to guide us.
just read a passage from a paper...spiritual...
well..Lord...felt sorry...i regret that i don't do well
in my spiritual..i know that is important...
i i??but i know God is in front of me!
em...i know the knowledge...the true..the way..
but why still i feel lost sometime?
am my spiritual life too weak?
until this days all my emotion just carrying out?
i can't control??what happen to me??
am i too stress...or???burden??or...missing??
yes i guess where in a deep jungle..ya
i can see the light...but i still stuck at the same place...
em...sound very sad huh...well...
is ok...always i will recovering my problem...
either write it in house...
will be fine...Thanks God about that too...
so...every time.. bad emotional won't stay long!
don't worry my friend if you are reading this message
it's a arranging EQ in my life...
just talk to my heart through words...
well...feel some time...
friend...what that means so?
is that you are not been forgotten?
well...i feel that too...
so..why said...human a not perfect...
that is the reason...caring..loving..
is a hard lesson to learn...and we must learn
how do we need to love people that is weird?
how?? hard right?but...we need too...
cause they are God's creation too...
God love them more than we are...
the day up a brother...
peoples that lost contact for few years..
very happy to heard from him again...
well..can feel the different!!!
that time we meet...i was 15...
and now i was 22...long...long...long!!
maybe i became more mature...yes i do!!
haha!!more pretty!!yes i am!!!haha!!
but will feel there is a little gab...
em...don't know...
am i facing communication problem?
am i????
and maybe i will ask this....
who am i???
haha....don't worry i know who am i!!!
just miss peoples around....just want to feel..
hope i can meet back all old friends...
no regret in life anymore shirley...
make your Uni life interest...
shine for Christ!!! easy to write...
but..not easy to acting out...
maybe i'm too noisy...
maybe i need to lock myself inside my room?
well...maybe i need to disappear??
which one to choose?
er...will feel a different shirley ya??
when you read this post...
am shirley such a downward sloping girl?
so down???haha!!!
is time to wash up the mess!!!
cleaning time!!!! study...bath!!
em...all best shirley i love you!!!haha!!