18 June 2010

oh happy day

meeting up with Family is always the most excited things...
when you have been long long time didn't see them!!!
and ya...i believe the Family is the great place...
to support us...to comfort us....right??
Even we faced so many problems out there...
we suffered from works....
having problems with friends...
any others....etc....
but i believe wherever we went home...
we will just feel....
: 'wow I'm free!!!'
: no worries!!!

sometime i was wondering...
some peoples...they will act so good in front of you...
in front of some others new peoples...
and they will just became another person just ...
you can't imagine that it will happen...
and i was totally lose the trust with such person...
i was thinking...
you can do so well in front certain peoples...
you used with that last time...
but what is going on??
you just change SO FAST??
i can't even know who you are...
and is totally disappointed!!!totally!!!
trying to give a lots excuses....
ah....i will never know what is going on with you!!!

just wanna Thanks to my friends...
those who cares for me...
ha...you know I'm talking about you!!!
comments in FB....in my blog...
Thanks to my lovely friend- Kon Kon!!!
haha...Thanks for ur tea...ur cake!!!
haha...yeh...it bring back my appetizer...
and ya...love you so much!! =D
you know what...
when feel so ill...
even i was thinking...
if i have a bf...maybe it will be better....
well....that's just something we will think off...
when we are too sick off....
but...still...i can feel the warm love from friends...
Thanks buddies!!!
this whole week...not manage to do anything...
and i do NOTHING!!
slept in my 2nd tutorial class yesterday...
after my lunch....felt want to VOMIT!!
ouch...so dizzy....
just feel very blur...
i can't even concentrate what my tutor said...
 i guess he saw I'm sleeping!!
sorry sir!!!! =(
i can't stand it anymore....
anyway....this morning is brand new day...
yeh...still...cough till I'm awake...
need to arrange my things...things to bring home...
ya...Pray that i will have a great time with my family...
Just Pray that no one will destroy my time with my family!!

at last....
HaVe A gReat Weekend everyone!!! 
I L.O.V.E YOU!!!! =D

when is my prince will appear?


joannechuen said...

It's me inside! (your pic)
Likeys ^^

Unknown said...

yeah you are!!! wow i never know that you have blog too!!! Cool!!! ha...yeah...pastor Jaseon is great huh!!!

joannechuen said...

haha shh... dun tell mummy >.<
haha he is so so great. i found out sth from him tho =) kind of release now ^^


my life story start up